Phillip Roffe


As CEO I like to ensure Osiris sticks to its core values.


Phillip Roffe

As CEO I like to ensure Osiris sticks to its core values, that we give our customers the best possible support for their organisations whilst our amazing team have every opportunity to develop their skills.

My experience and values:

I have had a long a varied career before focussing on Osiris. What i have learnt is that everybody deserves an opportunity to succeed and that the team around you are your best and most valuable asset.

Life outside Osiris IT:

I wasn’t school shaped so i have spent the last 20 years filling all those gaps in my education focusing especially on history and philosophy. I would like to one day turn that study into some form of formal accreditation. I love engines too, by engines I mean the proper classic old ones that smell of oil and petrol!

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